Better than The First in Every Way
14 June 2015
Yes, I actually bothered to watch the sequel to the 1982 Italian exploitation snoozefest Bronx Warriors, which I found really boring with little redeeming entertainment value (I'd rated it a 4). I'm kinda glad I did, though, because while this one is just as stupid as its predecessor, it's also twice as enjoyable. Most of the movie is like the final battle in Death Wish 3--unhinged, unrestrained madness cranked to 11. It's got a lot more action and carnage than the first one did, and its action scenes are also major improvements. The story is still idiotic, with a greedy corporation trying to force the inhabitants of the 'No-Man's-Land' Bronx out of their homes so that they can build a shiny new city on top of it, resorting to spaceman suits and Nazi tactics to get the job done.

The acting still sucks as much as it did in the first one, but at least here, it's got a more corny, hilarious vibe to go with it. Before, all we saw for an hour and a half was a bunch of guys in leather running around a post-apocalyptic Bronx, talking tough and riding bikes, and doing nothing for long periods of time. Now, we're seeing endless carnage and gratuitous destruction of model buildings, model cars, and plenty of surprisingly well-done stunts in slow-motion (a favourite of the director's seems to be an often- repeated shot of people launched into the air by explosions--back before John Woo's Heroic Bloodshed glory days).

If you're looking for a trashy, entertaining action fest with more cheese than a bag of Tex Mex, see this movie. If you're looking for something with intelligence and restraint, skip it--although I don't know why you'd go into this movie expecting those things anyway.
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