Stylised and sanitised version of a terrible conflict.
25 May 2015
Made as a co production with the BBC and Polish TV this was shown during the remembrance of the 100th anniversary of 'the war to end all wars'. The synopsis is that this is the full five years of that terrible and pointless conflict seen through the eyes of two ordinary soldiers. One is English – called Tommy (predictable I know but still a great name) the other Michael is German. It is through their 'ordinary' experiences that we are taken on a tour of World War I.

Now we do have a number of issues dealt with, the lying about your age to be allowed to walk slowly towards slaughter for King and country is covered. The gas attacks, the not wanting to be a coward (no mention of the nasty white feathers though), the food shortages, lice, playing footie in no man's land and the 'affairs of the heart'. The uniforms are good though as are the guns, and the musical score is excellent.

Now the bad bits, first off everyone speaks English with a Home Counties accent – even the Germans. The only attempt at an accent is from the Polish nurse. So it is a good job they have good uniforms or you forget which side is which. There are six half hour episodes and on the DVD they have left in all the previews of the next episode and then when it finally starts you have a montage of what previously happened. This could and should have been edited out.

Then the coincidence and plot contrivances and the sheer unbelievability of some of the antics are just a bit insulting on the intelligence. There is also an amazing lack of blood and gore which was done for a certain audience I know, but war should never be sanitised it is the first step to making it acceptable and as such is the lowest form of propaganda. Then the bits that have been 'borrowed' from 'All Quiet on the Western Front' and even the ending shot is a straight lift from the excellent master piece of French cinema 'Wooden Crosses'. If you are going to tackle such a subject matter then do it realistically and do it justice, this was a mish mash of seen before, could have done better and over sentimentality in lieu of having anything really valid or original to say.
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