Costner Flexes His Star Power in a Thriller That is A Lot of Fun
21 May 2015
Ouch, some of the responses here are way too harsh. Have you seen the competition lately? Luc Besson, with the collaboration of Adi Hasak has created a star vehicle for Kevin Costner, one of the last big movie stars who can put me in a movie or home theater seat any day of the year. His dying CIA operative is terrific--hitting his action marks with the same expertise he handles the scenes with his wife, and daughter, as well as the amusing and touching family who has squatted in his long-abandoned Paris apartment. The mix of comedy and action works very well while still maintaining the demands of a thriller. Amber Heard is wonderfully over the top as Costner's CIA boss who is handing him perhaps his last assignment. Bailee Seinfeld and Connie Nielsen as his neglected daughter and long-suffering wife, also make fine contributions.

The bad guys here are really bad. Yes there are clichés. At first I worried that Besson was taking too much from his "Taken" franchise, and was relieved he didn't go there. And when the tense moments come, Costner's character too often succumbs to the effects of the experimental drug he's taking to keep him alive. While the comedy never spills into the wonderful absurdity of the "Red" franchise, 3 Days to Kill, is equally entertaining. Costner's other recent foray into the thriller genre, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, is a better film, but for sheer entertainment, this movie grabbed me and never let go. Kevin Costner has sustained a movie-star presence on the screen for more than three decades. He's mastered the art of the movie star, giving his audiences a body of work that will stand the test of time. Is it great art? No. But he's rarely lost his bond with his audience. Glad to see him back in such top form.
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