18 May 2015
The Final Sacrifice continuous soon after the happenings in CotC, the town of Gatlin and its children gets discovered, and then adopted to the nearest town of Gatlin, oddly enough we don't get any views about investigations or any kind of police work been done in Gatlin, it doesn't seem that the kids has gotten any kind of psychical evaluation or questioning either, those murdering children has just got shipped to the nearest town. Strangely enough is this movie made 8 years after Children of the Corn (horror sequels often tends to be released soon after the first movie) so the children from the first movie was probably too old for this movie, so we get bunch of new ones, this time on called Micah steps up to lead the corn cult worshiping children. I can't say i'm a fan of this new character, I would rather had seen Isaac and Malachi, two characters I find a lot creepier than Micah. It's not only Micah pretty much every character in this movie was bad, they were so bleak and boring that I couldn't care less if they died. The plot isn't much engaging either, and there is so many plot holes! Even this movie progress the storyline from the first one, it doesn't fit well. There absolute nothing suspenseful or scary, no atmosphere either, something i really appreciate in the first one. I'm not a huge fan of the first one, but it's better than this. David Price, the director, didn't impress much, and coming from a movie called "Son of Darkness: To Die for II" says it all, Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice was just a cash-in with poor film-team, equipment and no love.
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