Keeping Rosy (2014)
Incredible piece of film-making
14 May 2015
I have to say I was completely blown away by this film. So affected, that this is actually my first ever review. I hadn't heard anything about it, and I'm glad I didn't. Dark, bleak and shocking, it's not an easy film to watch by any means. Superbly directed with an understated hand, the viewer is drawn into the clean, sterile and ultimately lonely world of 'Char'. Maxine Peake was just outstanding in her portrayal of a career woman, with nothing in her life but her job, and when she loses that, her life starts to spiral out of control. I usually hate 'career women are bitter and empty' type films, but not once did I not believe in her. She isn't some stereotype, but a real person, living a real life, rich in money, yet poor in the things that make life worth living. Sure, she's not a sympathetic character to start with but as she loses control she discovers her own humanity. The last minutes of the film left me open mouthed with shock, and yet oddly satisfied. Highly recommended if you like your drama nuanced, with no easy answers..
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