Mixed emotions
14 May 2015
The idea of this movie is very creepy and original, but it fails to deliver on several levels. One wasted opportunity is that we follow this rather uninteresting couple trying to solve this mystery, which we as a viewer already know from the very beginning. Another thing is that the movie fails to make the children scary, the idea is creepy, but the execution not very good. The actors who are manly children are below mediocre of what to expect, even star actor Peter Horton makes a weak performance. The cinematography is also below par with a lot of close-ups of both people and sickles and corny angels, Gatlin town has great scenery and setting which they could have gotten way better use of. Not to forget mention the special effects, they are really horrible, even for 1984 standards, but it's not a very big part of the movie, but anyway, what where they thinking!

Even this isn't a very good movie I must admit I have a weakness not only this movie but several of its sequels, I keep coming back to this movies, and this is at least the third time I've seen Children of the Corn. It's an easy watch and it is entertaining, I really like the story, but I feel it could have been much more.
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