Review of Gett

Gett (2014)
Deeply disturbing divorce court drama from Israel
24 March 2015
"Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" (2014 release from Israel; 115 min.) brings the story of Viviane and Elisha Amsalem's divorce trial. As the movie opens, we are informed that Viviane left her husband three years ago, and that she is now trying to get a divorce (or "gett" in Hebrew). Viviane and her lawyer are in court, but Elisha refuses to appear, and we are then quickly informed "six months later", "two months later", "three months later", with no end in sight. Will Viviane be able to get a divorce? To tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Several comments: first, this movie is co-written and co-directed by Ronit Elkabetz (who also plays the role of Viviane) and Shlomi Elkabetz (whom I believe is her real-life husband). Second, 95% of the movie plays out in the court room, and as such is really more of a filmed stage play than it is a movie in the traditional sense. The movie consists is various family members and friends testifying as to why the divorce should, or should not, be granted. Third, most importantly, this movie spotlights the many absurdities of the Israeli court system, at least how it relates to divorce matters. The judges are rabbis and, most appallingly, the true power is held by the husband, who apparently must consent to granting the divorce. Without the husband's consent, not even the court can impose the divorce. In that sense, this movie demonstrates how a husband can abuse his wife psychologically, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. For that reason, I found the movie deeply disturbing, although I am also aware that, sadly, Israel is far from the only country where women are treated in this manner. Bottom line: "Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" is very much worth seeing, but let the viewer be aware: you may likely be pretty upset about what plays out in this Israeli divorce court drama.

I saw this movie recently at the Silverspot Cinema in Naples, FL. The early evening screening where I saw this at was quite nicely attended, which surprised me, given not only the nature of the movie, but also the theater-like style of the movie. If you are in the mood for a top-notch foreign divorce court drama that will challenge you in more ways than one, you cannot go wrong with this. "Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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