So entertainingly bad!
9 March 2015
-Little Red Riding Hood (2015) "movie" review: -So not-really-Little Red Riding Hoodish is evidently another adaptation of, wait, you'll never guess! Little Red Riding Hood. Only this one looks like is has the quality of a student project. A high school student project. No, I was in a high school film project, and it was better than this. I am NOT exaggerating.

-I am going to go ahead and point out how much fun I had hating this film! Again, no joke.

-The "film" didn't really have a story. It was also part modern, I guess, but never explained anything. It did not follow the story, things just happened because they happened, and you never really know what is happening. And then suddenly, 50 million shots of weird mud-ish people in a castle! The editing was one of the worst things about this ever. Actually it was the worst editing I have ever seen. Yup.

-The pace was sooooooo slow because NOTHING HAPPENED!!!! EVER. The shots of the mud-ish people were just walking around. NOTHING HAPPENS!!!! -The acting makes Disney Channel look like the Oscars. Including people who can't read lines, people who can't run, people who can't emote, wolf masks, mud people walking, a 'modern person' who makes Megan Fox's acting look sharp, and lots. And lots. AND LOTS. Of really really horrible voice-overs. Literally worse than The Room.

-The characters. There is not enough sustenance in this "movie" to even look at any sort of character development.

-The music is tediously bad and the same two pieces over-and-over again! -The effects are laughable. At least the two stupid Vs. movies I reviewed had effects to show off, this one had really bad prosthetics and masks.

-Hey, at least the poster looked cool! Doesn't matter. Not in the film.

-Also I did not pay attention to the rating or content. I apologize. I think its fine, but I don't remember. I was too busy facepalming.

-In conclusion, I laughed my way through how bad Little Red Riding Hood was. Therefore: Little Red Riding Hood is…. So bad, it's good! In fact it is probably one of the worst films I have even seen. I'm not joking.

-So did you see Not-so-little Red Riding Hood-ish walks around? You should! It's a blast!
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