Not As Bad As Some Reviews
2 March 2015
I'll admit from the off, that I am bias. I love Sandra Bullock. With her gorgeous girl next door looks, I adore her, and will usually give anything she is in a chance. Hence I recently watched the universally panned "Speed 2"

Plot In A Paragraph: Annie (Sandra Bullock) and her new beau Alex (Jason Patrick, who I last saw in "Lost Boys") are taking a vacation in the Caribbean aboard a luxury cruise ship, which is hijacked by a villain (Willem Defoe) who hacked into the ship's computer system. As they are trapped aboard the ship, Annie and Alex work with the ship's first officer (The guy who plays Jango Fett in Star Wars) to try to stop the ship, which they discover is programmed to crash into an oil tanker.

OK is it as bad as people say?? No it's far from it. It just doesn't live up to the first movie. A lot of sequels suffer from that problem. Had this movie just being called "Cruise Control" and references to the first movie dropped, it may have done better. To put it simply, this is just another routine action movie.

The film's final scene, where the ship crashes into the island of Saint Martin, cost $25 million of the film's $160 million budget (which is more than the entire production budget of the first film)

As for Sandra Bullock (who agreed to star in this film in order to get financing for her pet project Hope Floats) she remains one of the most talented and beautiful women in movies, and her ladylike sexiness is in rare supply. Any movie becomes promising just by having her name in it's cast.
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