Informative and Annoying
9 February 2015
Monarchy is a multi-episode documentary outlining the history of the English Monarchy. I was really excited to stumble onto this series of the Netflix, primarily because I had never seen a thorough presentation of this fascinating subject.

The show, however, is a mixed bag. While on the one hand it is certainly informative, outlining the rich history in vivid detail, it also got on my nerves. Maybe it is my American prejudices, but it seems weird to me that Monarchy should be introduced (as this series does) as government by consent of the people. It seems like most of English history involves a parade of random personalities who acquire power mostly through military prowess and occasionally display synergy with the people themselves.

As for the presentation, it is dead serious, pompous and completely humorless. David Starkey seems almost a cliché of the earnest English historian, and the camera angles have him frequently looking at a downward angle at the audience. I felt like I was being lectured by the old-fashioned English school master/tyrant.

Still, it is educational, and if you can stand the style (or at least are not bothered by it) it is worth a look.
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