Gums (1976)
Chomping at the bit.
29 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
March 2014:

Taking a look at a fellow IMDbers reviews,I was shocked to discover that a film had been made,which appeared to be a rather crazy parody of the film Jaws.Searching round for the movie,I was delighted to track down a DVD on Amazon.Taking a look at the DVD,I was disappointed to find,that instead of getting the catch of the day,I had actually gotten a cut version of the flick.

September 2014:

Being unable to track down the uncut version on any major sights,I decided during one sleepless night to try and track the uncut version down.Originally expecting to hit nothing but dead ends,I was happily caught by surprise,when I at last stumbled upon an uncut version,which led to me getting ready to finally dive into the oceans of Gums.

The plot:

Taking a swim by the beach,a tourist experiences a sudden interruption to his holidays,when a mermaid suddenly appears in the ocean,and begins to perform oral sex on him. Initially feeling rather pleased with this surprise,the tourist discovers that there is a catch,when the mermaid pulls his penis out,which ends up killing him.As dead bodies start to pile up,the local police officer decides that he needs to kill the mermaid.With this being peak tourist season,the mayor of the town tells the officer that he can't let the public know about the killings,since it would dry up the tourism in the area.Keeping things undercover,the cop begins to gather a sea crew whose mission it will be to hunt down they mythical mermaid,with the tongue twister name "The Great White Jaw."

View on the film:

Opening with a terrific re-verb-heavy version on John Williams Jaws theme,co-writer/ (along with Paul E. Cohen & Sam Cohen)director Robert J. Kaplan makes the film move at a lightning fast pace,by using Jaws as the launch pad to delightfully bonkers Comedy.Easing the audience in with a straight spoof of Jaws opening scene,Kaplan quickly changes from spoofing the film head-on,to taking dozens of fantastic side routes,which go from the body doubles in the sex scenes openly being shown to being blow up dolls,and random acts of puppet sex,to the crew trying to get the mermaid by hanging penises over the boat,and the ship's captain being a Nazi,who believes that WWII is still taking place.

Giving everything in their sights a wonderfully vulgar pun,and also having a cast (which includes a sneaky Robert Kerman) who are clearly enjoying every moment,the writers show an amazing skill in making sure that no matter how insane things get,that the search for the very sexy mermaid is always the main thrust of the film.With the Nazi captain stomping around on the ship,the writers give the ending a surprisingly explosive sense of excitement,as the crew begin to fear that they have bitten off more than they can chew.
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