Bad bad bad bad bad too bad.
24 January 2015
I love Kim Soo Ro so much he is such a great actor, so much potential but seriously, this movie sucks to the core.

There are so many things that can be exploited. A movie about "experts" in such a weird field of career: what a wonderful idea! Every expert appears with flamboyant clothing and promises us so much super power and such, but instead we got boring talking and action scene that almost has nothing to do with their profession. Ghost sweepers? I see none. I just see a tons of normal people that has some kind of abnormal power that is useless most of the time, fighting like average humans against a very boring ghost. And all of them lack background story, depth or any character development.

Also, the lead female is really a pain in the neck to me. She acts like a kid and doesn't do anything according to a human logic would do. Why would she doubting a kid about his power of premonition when he is a member at a GHOST SWEEPERS meeting full of people with supernatural power and she herself believes in those thing enough to write an article about it? Why is she always asking stupid questions all the time? Why is her reaction to everything is so illogical. She sucks. Everybody sucks. The plot sucks.

It's not even funny, why label it a comedy? I am very very angry right now for my wasted time and for the wasted plot.
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