Paris Holiday (1958)
Fernandel and Hope are a Great Comedy Team
18 January 2015
There were so many spy spoofs in the 1960's that I think people don't get how fresh and original this spy spoof was in 1958.

The great French comedian and Bob Hope play off of each other wonderfully. It is amazing because neither spoke the other's language. Both have to resort to slapstick and pantomime. The first scene where they meet and Fernandel stares at Bob Hope's large nose and calls it "extraordinaire, formidable, and fantastique".

As a bonus, we get to see Anita Ekberg in a pre-La Dolce Vita role. She plays the femme fatale and steals every scene that she is in. A brief appearance by Preston Sturges is also a highlight.

I think a lot of people don't like the swift movement between sophisticated comedy and slap-stick. However I enjoyed the mixture. The hanging from a helicopter ending reminds one of many silent screen Keystone Cops crazy endings. I'm a fan of silent films, so I enjoyed it as an homage, but I can understand people dismissing it as weak and derivative.
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