Another Hoax Judge Show
17 December 2014
Yet another scripted show, with a discredited former judge. From the LA Times: "L.A. Judge Is Removed From Bench Performance panel says the jurist used TV appearances to market himself for better job." ... Judge Kevin A. Ross -- the eighth California judge removed since 1995 -- was found to have "marketed himself as a judge in hopes that he then could leave the bench for a more lucrative career in television."

The Commission on Judicial Performance also held that Ross had 'trampled' on the rights of three defendants, including a woman he jailed for 2 1/2 days after tacking extra charges on to her case.

Ross improperly commented on a pending case on a public television show and lied in hearings and documents relating to his disciplinary charges, the commission found. ... Ross had been privately sanctioned by the commission...for abusing his authority and demeaning and humiliating defendants. 'As I have previously indicated, I accept complete responsibility for those specific actions that did not exemplify the highest standards of judicial excellence,' Ross said in a written statement. ... The commission also found Ross had misled the commission and fabricated stories during his defense. ... This case, the commission concluded, 'shows a shocking abuse of power and disregard of fundamental rights.'
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