Death Game (1977)
"What's 'dreck'?" ... "Garbage!"
22 November 2014
Execreble 'warning' film could easily be written off as low-budget trash were it not for the talent involved (both on-camera and off). Three good actors--Sondra Locke, Seymour Cassel and Colleen Camp--are lost at sea in ugly thriller about a happily married man who tries to help out two comely young ladies while his family is away, but ends up a prisoner in his own home. This is "Kitten With a Whip" with two kittens, a sex scene in a hot tub, and a lot of angry shouting--mostly about guilt and castration. Production design is credited to Jack Fisk & Co. (!), while Fisk's wife, Sissy Spacek, served as one of the set dressers; this hardly matters however, as David Worth's cinematography is so muddy, the set design is the least of the film's many problems. Quickie exploitation nonsense opens with the information that the story is true, but ends with a credit telling us the characters are fictitious; the rest of the film--including the direction, the screenplay, the dubbing and the music--is equally insecure. Locke is quite convincing acting deranged, but who wouldn't be with a knife held high in the air? 90 minutes of pure tedium. NO STARS from ****
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