Operetta backstage story
23 October 2014
When Gloria Swanson sang Love Your Magic Spell Is Everywhere in The Trespasser Hollywood discovered she had a great singing voice. Sad to say though that this film adaption of Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein,II's Broadway show Music In The Air was the only film that really exploited her vocal talents.

In fact we're lucky that this film was made at all. It was right about now that German subjects became not very popular. Sigmund Romberg's The Student Prince had to wait until 1954 for a film version. Among the Jewish moguls in Hollywood, Germany was now symbolized by its Fuehrer and his goosestepping sycophants.

Music In The Air is set in Bavaria in the small village of Elmendorf where Al Shean has written a song inspired by a bird call that becomes I've Told Every Little Star. Shean is an old friend of a music publisher in Munich and he and daughter June Lang and her bashful beau Douglass Montgomery head there to see if he can get the song published.

Shean and his old friend Reginald Owen get the song inserted in a new operetta. But Lang and Montgomery become pawns in the diva like machinations of John Boles and Gloria Swanson, a talented but always quarreling couple. Lang winds up with the lead in the show, but does she have the right stuff?

Music In The Air is one of Jerome Kern's best and most beloved shows which theatrical companies still produce. As is usual the show's score was cut to ribbons. I've Got Every Little Star which is the focal point of the whole show had to stay. But what possessed the folks at Fox to cut The Song Is You from the film? I'm sure lots of people who plunked down their Depression Era nickels to see this film were royally disappointed at not hearing The Song Is You. John Boles was supposed to sing it and I'll bet he was more than disappointed when his number was cut.

By the way part of the Jerome Kern legend is that he actually did hear a bird call the way Al Shean does in the film and got the idea for I've Told Every Little Star. Shean is the only member of the Broadway cast to repeat his role for the film.

The film version of Music In The Air will I fear be a disappointment to fans of Jerome Kern's music as I am. Nice the film got made at all, but without The Song Is You it is most incomplete.
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