Review of Avenged

Avenged (2013)
A gritty entertaining story about a heist going wrong
11 October 2014
Once again I've seen a South African film quite different from films from the Western hemisphere. An gritty but entertaining story about to cops, which are also best friends. Lawful good cops, but not earning enough to pay all the bills. Their good, but corruption at the local police station makes it even worse. Then there comes a chance on getting it on a heist. Just this once. Not really a good idea.

In the beginning the film is raw, using ultra near close up, moving camera, even running camera and sudden focus changes. Quite extreme and artful. But this soon gets more normal. Still there a heavy use of color filters all across the film, yellow and blue. Very talented use of effects and very suitable as well.

The roughness suits this movie which deals with criminal scumbags planning to do a heist. Not one of the is safe and trustworthy. The film is inspired by Hollywood action movies, but is told very differently still. But it does show the graphics in the violence as we'd see in an American movie.

I enjoyed the film very much, and so did the crowd at Films from the South Festival in Oslo. Recommended if you like something different.
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