Mediocre pasta dish
28 September 2014
I sensed that "Fort Yuma Gold" might have a few problems from the opening credits, since SEVEN screenwriters are credited. But I stuck with it to the end, and while this is definitely not the worst spaghetti western I've seen, it is definitely unsatisfying. There are a few good things here and there - the production values are acceptable, there is some nice scenery, there is a very good bar room brawl sequence, and the full name of the lone female character is worth a few chuckles. But for the most part, the movie feels kind of flat. Giuliano Gemma's character often feels like a secondary character instead of a heroic lead. The action apart from that bar room brawl sequence come across as ordinary and not exciting. But I think the biggest problem is that the movie, while not boring, feels really slow and lacking grit or some other effective atmosphere. Too bad, because you can see signs this could have been a knockout spaghetti western had it had more careful direction and writing. It's not awful as it is, but it is definitely disappointing.
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