The Favor (1994)
An underrated original sex farce/romcomedy
16 September 2014
This is a combination of sex farce and romantic comedy in which a married woman with children starts dreaming about her ex from high school and just can't stop thinking about "what if". To end this she asks her friend to look him up, sleep with him and tell her how it was.

This is a pretty original idea which gives this movie some fresh air. It was pretty fun to watch and while it all ends in the best way possible one can't predict every step of it.

The characters are not too deep but pretty entertaining. The acting is on the right level. It was pretty fun to see Brad Pitt in one of his earlier movie roles and oh my is he hot in it! Since not all main characters are well known I looked up Harley Jane Kozak and it was pretty interesting to see that she was one of the main characters in Santa Barbara and is a pretty successful mystery writer now.

The character Emily is pretty cool considering that she is a very independent woman with a pretty fun life. And Bill Pullman shows a different level to his sweet husband character.

I guess there is not enough sex for a sex farce which makes the dream sequences seem like a bit too many. If I am not mistaken it is an R rated movie which is a bit surprising as it is pretty mild. The ending is pretty simple and in a happy ending way but it brings a lot of laughs before that.
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