Leprechaun, yeah right
27 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun, huh? More like "Suck-my-dick-upon." This movie was God awful. Basically the plot goes like this, some teenagers go to a cabin in the woods, and they realize they were bait for the "Leprechaun," and they're trying to survive, and trying to figure out how to kill this thing. The characters are really dull, there is nothing interesting about them, they're just about as interesting as a piece of paper. The acting from these teenagers is awful. The dialogue is awful, every line is stupid in this movie. I'm going have to spoil the ending line, one of the dull teenagers says, "F**k you lucky charms." Yep they copied off a line from Leprechaun, wow, does it sound cool in this movie, no it doesn't, it's poorly used, just because you steal a line from another horror movie doesn't make it automatically awesome, because this teenager has no character build up. There is no Leprechaun in this movie, the creature in this movie is a rip off of the monsters from The Descent, and the movie wants us to believe it's a leprechaun, oh yeah sure it's a leprechaun, It looks nothing like a leprechaun at all, just because he likes gold, doesn't mean he is one. The movie is so boring, because the characters are so lifeless and dull, we only get to see the creature in about 23mins, and does the creature look scary, no it doesn't, it's making the original Leprechaun from Leprechaun scarier than that thing. The only good thing about this movie, is when the creature kills one of the dull teenagers, in a very graphic way, like pulling his spine out. Overall this movie is a complete joke, f**k this movie, don't see it, it's a waste of time.
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