Third Contact (2013)
a thoughtful and deeply rewarding film - it will stay with you
12 August 2014
My path through time is mercilessly fixed. I cannot change course to escape the memory of the pain I have caused, the chances I have missed, the regrets that are directly behind me. I cannot bring back what – or who – has been lost. I cannot linger interminably in the sweetest of moments. But sometimes, how I wish that I could.

This is the longing explored by Third Contact, the new film by Si Horrocks. Yes, it was made on a shoestring budget, but this film needs no special pleading. Photographed beautifully in black and white, and with a thoughtful, un-showy yet emotional performance by Tim Scott-Walker, this film will challenge you, and it will richly reward your attention.

It's been two weeks since I've watched the film, and it has crossed my mind daily. I would say the lingering impression is not of a psychological thriller or a philosophical treatise (though those aspects are certainly present), but of a poem. The human note Third Contact strikes is clear and true. I found it a melancholy film to watch, but what was left for me afterward was like the photo negative of that: a powerful impression of beauty and happiness in small moments, and unexpectedly but wonderfully, a profound affirmation.
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