2 States (2014)
2 STATES one family
8 August 2014
Boy and a girl staying in a single hostel room without the seal/shield of marriage really bugged me. This may be due to the fact I'm Indian (lol). The family's/parent's consent is more vital for marriage in India than the bride or groom and this fact was well highlighted with a strong humor sense. The movie is not to be shown to old-fashioned parents in South-India for they might just hate it. The music is cool and "Offo!". The movie shifts gears towards the second half in which the boy goes to the girl's state for marriage consent and vice-versa.

The novel written by Chetan Bhagat was rich with lot of cultural backgrounds as the girl's family is Brahman with a typical household called as "Agrahaaram" here in our state and are pure vegans. On contrast, the Punjabis (boy's family) are voracious chicken-eaters. The girl's father drinks in private but says that he doesn't drink in the public, just as very few sinful Iyers in South India. The best scene is when Alia Bhatt takes a newly to-be-wed-Punjabi-groom spellbound with a dowry issue which deserved applause.

Everything, I feel, is positive for the movie with simple story except on the part of the audience to watch it with broad mindset.
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