Morpho, What The Hell Have You Done?
2 August 2014
Completely putting aside all of the rest of this decidedly dumb, B-grade horror movie (from 1962) - My full 3-star rating goes exclusively to Morpho's absolutely priceless make-up effects.

In the story, Morpho was the awful Dr. Orlof's bug-eyed, mute, lunatic, assistant/whipping-boy (who just so happened to like to bite the women he abducted).

Every time Morpho made an appearance on screen it was, again, another wonderful opportunity for me to get in a good, hearty laugh, or two. Morpho's goofy, never-blinking eyes, along with his petrified-wood performance, made those idiot aliens in 1954's Killers From Space look positively first-rate by comparison.

Yes, indeed. Morpho's screen presence was, without a doubt, the absolute highlight of this pure dead-end picture with its ultra-cheap chills & thrills.

Set in the year 1912, this sadistic, little fright flick (directed by Jess Franco), also featured a grate-on-your-nerves romance between the big, brave police inspector, Edgar Tanner, and his lovey-dovey, little, prima ballerina girlfriend, Wanda Bronsky.

Stunned by this woman's sheer stupidity, I couldn't believe it when Wanda-dear foolishly went way out on a very daring limb in order to help her handsome hero solve the perplexing case of the 5 missing whores.
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