Review of Sex Tape

Sex Tape (2014)
Literally one of the worst movies of all time
23 July 2014
For YEARS! and I mean for years, the worst movie I've ever seen in theaters was "Drop Dead Fred." Not sure why, but that movie was so utterly terribad, it had stuck with me for the past 25yrs of owning the crown jewel of atrociousness.

Well ladies and gentlemen, we have a new winner...

I'm not sure where to even start, and how to subjectively articulate my disdain but let's start with some basics. 1. The over usage of f-bombs every other scene for zero affect or purpose to the script or character development, and just merely as an "adult" filler-word bc the writers are too ignorant to utilize another word in order to express their emotions. Pointless and redundant.

2. The "jokes" and I use that term lightly, were ssssoooo forced and legitimately clichés of past movies combined. Even the end has a special cameo, and it was so painful to watch one of the funniest dudes in comedy completely lose his wit to this script and one-liners. I literally laughed at an actual funny line maybe twice. No seriously, twice did I actually LoL (as the kids say)

3. CDiaz is a total fox, OK and her walking around half-naked isn't that bad, and I didn't care too much...but good gracious J.Segal, now respect to that dude bc he kinda got shredded and lost some lbs for the role, so respect to your swag bro, but I didn't need to see his bare ass, with crack hair. It's nauseating.

4. The "plot" oh my, wow I mean I wasn't even sure what each scene to the next was talking about? Honestly it was painful to follow, not difficult, just painful.

All in all, please don't subject yourself to this torture film.

You're welcome sifc33
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