Violette (2013)
20 July 2014
The first thing that impresses is that this film is written very well. The structure is quite novelistic, separated into chapters and each part moving the story along in well paced increments. The whole movie starts quite slowly, mysteriously and then opens out, that is a pleasing form as it adds layers to the work.

The second thing is that both Kiberlain and Devos are outstanding. Devos takes this role of Violette and makes it completely human. She is a dozen conflicted people and all the time in need of many things but most of all, in need of love. As de Beauvoir, Kiberlain is magisterial. She has de Beauvoir's haughtiness, her brilliance, her perfect sense of her own destiny.

The relationship between the women of such different circumstances is told with grace and balance and insight.

The photography and choice of locales is good too. The sense of place is considered, from the cold farm in winter, through to freezing Paris and then the Midi in summer at the end. Some shots may linger, because it can look so good on the screen, but that remark apart there is little to fault here.

Recommended for all its best virtues.
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