FrackNation (2013)
Nice to hear the other side for once
28 June 2014
This is an excellent film and it gets right to the truth about liberals in America, who use their money and connections to impose their will on us all. 99% of the time that will is in the form of some terrible social policy that ends up being destructive and expensive.liberals may have money to force these issues but they don't seem to want to pay when it comes down to it. once they start having to pay more taxes you hear them Cry and tell everyone who will listen that it is unfair that they should have to pay so much!

Liberalism is a mental disorder that causes a physical problem on our Nation, it causes Cancer ! if you look at what these people push on to us all ,you'll see it is destructive and expensive and non sustainable in the end! this small group of very wealthy and connected groups have hurt lots of Americans with their ignorance and stubborn mindset.

We need to continue to Frack and create new energy for us all. when that happens we will see America that is stringer and much better.

We have gone through some very tough years with this Anti American president and he gives credence to all these extremist groups like the people who made that movie that is full of lies and tried to confuse and scare people into believing in what "they" want.the truth is fracking has been around for over 60 years and it is one of the safest ways to harness the energy god has gifted to us all!!!!
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