Review of Route 666

Route 666 (2001)
"I may not be on the good side of the law but I do happen to be on the good side of...looking."
25 June 2014
Two federal marshals (Lou Diamond Phillips, Lori Petty) find a federal witness (Steven Williams) hiding out in a bar in the Arizona desert. No sooner do they catch him than hit men show up to kill him. Some more marshals arrive and they escape with the witness down an abandoned stretch of highway that is haunted by the ghosts of a prison chain gang that died there.

Williams is the best part. Dale Midkiff is good. So is Phillips. Petty is irritating. I'm not sure why she was talking with that "street" accent but it was distracting. The rest of the cast is solid. Cheap-looking but often funny, intentionally and unintentionally. Love how William Wesley didn't really know when it was appropriate to use slow-mo so he was just using it at random times. There are some funny lines. Not sure how many are in the script because some of the actors seem to be ad-libbing throughout the movie. There are attempts at being Tarantinoesque, such as a forced exchange between some of the feds as to whether Farrah Fawcett is a supermodel or not. There's also an annoying blues riff that plays frequently.

Definitely an interesting premise for a movie. It has some pluses but more minuses. The direction sucks and Lori Petty is trying way too hard to be...well, whatever the hell she's trying to be. Give it a shot if you like B movies but keep expectations low.
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