Brilliant satire on the pulp sci fi book industry
16 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is an alt very indie feel movie, with extreme silliness as it's major plot line.

The movie pokes gentle fun at pulp sci fi authors and books, with lots of hilarious scenes having the actors depict characters in the main sci fi stories.

The Space Harpie Vixen Women, with laser-shooting tits, are probably the best, and a close second would be the jet powered stuffed deer stag mounts.

I say those things so you have an idea where this movie is going.

If you read the above and said, "Oh well, Space Harpie Vixens with laser titties, well that's just SILLY! HARRUMMMPHHH!!!!" then this is not the movie for you.

If, however, you find yourself wondering,

"Space Vixen Harpie Women with laser breasts.... hmmmmm, intriguing, one wonders, how do these Space-Going Amazons possibly breast feed their gentle young?" Then THIS is the movie for you, for THEY ANSWER THAT in the movie.

This is NOT a movie like Battlefield Earth. That movie was a total flying cowpie disaster engineered by a nutball LRon Hubbard. This movie is poking fun at itself, it does NOT take itself seriously, as B.E. did, being the holy secret of the Scientology religion and all I guess it had to... no this movie is poking fun of horrendously bad sci fi authors LIKE LRon Hubbard.

The acting is so incredibly bad it is BRILLIANT and Oscar WORTHY. The sets are so impossibly poorly made THEY ARE INCREDULOUS. The special effects are so ineptly cringe-worthy THEY ARE STUPENDOUS.

YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE. The fate of the Yeast Slaves Depends on it!
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