Chuck: Chuck Versus Santa Claus (2008)
Season 2, Episode 11
merry uh crash, hostages but fake out by bada...
4 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing like betting on cops chasing car that ends up crashed into the Buy More, with all Chucks friends including Ellie and Devon, the guy has a gun and doesn't seem with it, nice fake out by Ned, who works with Fulcrum. Big Mike and the looser Emmett, hide as Chuck is the one "in charge", so Ned seems to "trust" him, all the while others are finding and looking into Castle.

Casey and Sarah try to take Chuck out of there, but he wont go, somehow Casey looses a toe, all are in store while some think of taking Ned "out" but Chuck says wait, they do till...

Another bad guy, who is a "cop" but is a Fulcrum agent, comes into store, we don't see that till Chuck flashes and tries to have Ned let everyone go, then Ned and Mauser, Fulcrum/cop, with the threat to kill Ellie and all the rest, Chuck doesn't know where Bryce is, but to protect all he love says where the intersect is.

Chuck has 1 last request, to say good bye to his sister, he gives her a hug and says he loves her, she doesn't know it could be his last, with Devon too comes up to hug and here Chuck says let the "awesome" out. So Devon and company came up with a plan, Jeff got flatten and Anna says at least they tried unlike Morgan, but Morgan pops up with a saves the day catching Ned unaware so Devon and big Mike can put him on his head, knocked out, Devon got the gun they are safe before anyone else can "rescue" them.

Fulcrum agent making a get a way with Chuck, tires shot up and Chuck runs, the "hide" and "chase" through trees is on, Sarah finds Chuck first with orders to run, get back to Castle his safety more important than hers, but he doesn't go turns around, Sarah and the agent fight, he almost seems to win, but she gets her gun and aims it as he taunts her with, "he is more important and they will not stop till he is found and he knows Chuck is the intersect, Chuck will never be safe from him". Chuck sees her kill this agent, as she knows if she doesn't Chuck and his life would be over, and his life and family and friends are more important to him and not seeing them would "kill" him.

Buy more safe now all is done, Jeff takes his kiss from Anna, Morgan sees and is hurt, she is totally grossed out and Jeff smiles happily being wheeled out on the ambulance gurney. Chuck an Morgan sit on desk as Morgan talks about seeing something so horrible burned in his head, Chuck says he knows what he means and the episode ends with them not sure where they "stand".
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