God of War III (2010 Video Game)
Kratos finally arrives on the PS3!
21 April 2014
Yes, we all thought that Kratos would be arriving on the PS3 a bit earlier, with God of War II. However, instead he was once again on the PS2 system. So, the third game comes out and of course it is on the PS3...and it is a bit of a letdown as I found the two games on PS2 more satisfying than this one. Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed this one a lot, but at the same time it just did not feel as large an adventure as the previous two games. It just seems to be on a smaller scale as it did not seem as long, there did not seem to be as many locales and the battles just did not feel as spectacular as before. The graphics are impressive as the PS3 was an impressive piece of hardware. Kratos has never looked more alive...unfortunately, as I said as good as it played out it just felt more underwhelming than before.

The story picks up where the second game left off. Kratos rides Gaia to the top of Mt. Olympus in the hopes of settling things with his father once and for all. All the gods join with Zeus in defending Mt. Olympus and it is not too long after this one opens that Kratos is once again back in Hades. Of course, not before putting a major beat down on Poseidon. Well, Kratos must navigate the underworld and soon learns of Pandora and a weapon that has the power to destroy a god, even Zeus. So Kratos must navigate a maze that is very reminiscent of the one found in the horror/science fiction film Cube and will soon have his showdown with Zeus, again.

The game play is essentially the same as the previous two games as Kratos fights with his standard chain weapons and will pick up more weapons along the way. He will also pick up other items and abilities as he progresses through the game. I died frequently on jumps, not sure if this was due to bad controls or a bad controller though. Something was just off with the double jump so I spent a lot of time falling to my death. Still, it was nice that the combat was the same as the game is easy to pick up and play if you have played the earlier games. I had heard it was different in the demo and a lot of people complained, but not sure if the controls were changed due to this or not.

So, this journey of Kratos was good, but just did not feel quite as grand as his first two journeys. Perhaps having the exact same antagonist made the game have its been there done that feel. Perhaps it is the lack of places for Kratos to explore as it is pretty much Mt. Olympus and Hades and going up and down a shaft (this was especially tiresome. Whatever the reason, this one just was a good game and not a great game. I won it in under ten hours and again, it felt very rushed. Not sure if there will be a game that happens after this one as the ending did not really end on a cliffhanger like the last game. I know there was a prequel last year, but I am not a fan of prequels. A good game, but a lack of certain things made Kratos' first journey onto the PS3 less memorable than it should have been.
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