The magnificence was retained
9 March 2014
If Shakespeare could only realize the fate of the works he left behind, the modern use of them would cause his prophetic soul to weep. Just think of it! Antony and Cleopatra given in its entirety, with the vocal parts and other details of the regular production cut out, in less than twenty minutes! What a vast difference between the older presentation and that represented by the modernized form of amusement! But with all the condensation, the magnificence was retained, and I heard several in the audiences say the film had created in them an appetite for more of the same kind. The Vitagraph Company can take pride in the production. The elaborate stage effects and superb costumes, together with the magnificent manner in which the parts were played, is a credit to the company. The story was told in a concise manner that threw the condensing of the scenes into the shade. The audiences were liberal in expression of appreciation. -- The Moving Picture World, November 14, 1908
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