Dominique (1979)
6 March 2014
It begins with a well to do couple (Robertson and Simmons) at their home in Britain. Through the first portion of the film, you see that the wife seems to be having some memory lapses and might be headed for a nervous breakdown. However, you are unsure if what is really happening or if, perhaps, the husband is orchestrating it—like in the movie "Gaslight". In fact, for quite a while, I thought the film was a remake of this story. However, unlike "Gaslight", the wife kills herself and you realize this cannot be that classic film's plot. From here on, the husband suddenly begins experiencing many of the same manifestations that the wife experienced—and he, too, might slowly be going mad. What's next?

This film is a great example of a movie that is simply over-written. In other words, there are too many plot elements and twists. Because of this, the plot to drive the couple mad is overly complicated and presents MANY opportunities to establish that an outside person or persons are manipulating them. The plot depended too many times on the people reacting one way and if they'd reacted another (which was very plausible) the plan would have quickly come unraveled. As a result, there were several obvious plot holes that kept me second-guessing the writer. Additionally, at the end, there is a murder that simply made little sense. Add to that the amazingly over-restrained performances by everyone (especially Robertson) and you get a movie that should have been excellent but in actuality was only a time-passer. Not terrible but simplicity would have made this one so much better.
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