Husk (2011)
Worth a watch, if you miss old school horror
2 February 2014
Horror, I find is the one genre, where the bad films are more popular than the good ones. Something about people wanting to hate that they love them or something. So while they're busy spending hours on end watching brain-eating zombies and giant insects, good ones like 'Husk' are often neglected. I'm a huge fan of the genre and hadn't even heard of this flick, until it appeared on my suggestions column.

'Husk' is a film that mixes elements of monster horror and ghost horror, that I appreciated for a change. Because on their own, they often tend to become a little predictable and ultimately, not scary at all. 'Husk', however had it's spine chilling moments, and few that made me jump. Clearly not a very high budget film, it makes good use of it's resources. There were no major effects on screen and no real gore either. It was done tastefully.

The characters were quite one dimensional, but I appreciated that the underdog was given the main focus, rather than the hot chick or the jock. In addition to this, Husk successfully maintains a level of mystery throughout the flick and it wasn't a very obvious twist. However, the one issue I had with the film was the climax. Compared to the rest of film that explained every little detail and left no loose ends, the ending was a huge question mark. If it was meant to be one of those 'you decide' kinda moments, then it was done poorly. It felt abrupt and was a little disappointing compared to how well executed the rest was.

Overall, it was a good flick, especially if you're someone who misses old school horror and good old scary scarecrows and mass murderer ghosts!
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