Salinger (2013)
Incredibly Flawed but Still Watchable
26 December 2013
Salinger (2013)

*** (out of 4)

When you check out some of the "Worst of 2013" lists, I'm sure you'll run across this documentary on many of them. I'm not going to lie as there are some major flaws with this picture and I really wouldn't argue with anyone who spits on the film but at the same time, even through the flaws, I found myself caught up in what I was watching. Some of the flaws include the incredibly bad music score, which is constantly playing at the wrong times. In other words, if someone is saying something dramatic we get this overbearing score, which seems to fit a trashy soap opera more than a movie about a genius. There are countless times where you wish you could mute the score and just listen to what the people are saying. Another problem is a moral one and it seems there are moments where the line is crossed and the documentary is just spying on someone who wants to be left alone. I guess we could argue, as does the film, whether or not a public figure deserves to be alone but there's an interview here with a few people who met Salinger and it's quite obvious he wouldn't want them talking. It's also quite obvious that a few people were pretty much stalking him to get a photo, talk to him or just ask him a question. With all of that said, I must admit that the film really keep me glued to it as I wanted to know some more about the man, his reasoning for writing and of course everything behind his legendary book. The film asks many questions and we really don't get too many answers but it's interesting hearing from the likes of Philip Seymour Hoffman, Martin Sheen and countless book experts about the importance of this story and the man himself. I won't spoil the big revelation that comes at the end but that overbearing music score is on display. SALINGER is a very flawed movie and there's no question about that but I think there's still enough good spots scattered around to make it worth watching.
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