Time Machine still a Favorite
22 December 2013
I first saw The Time Machine in August 1960 at a local downtown theater. I was 11 years old. Now I'm 64 yrs old and the Movie still fascinates me even if some of the special effects are dated.After seeing the 2002 remake which was disappointing despite modern special effects.It made me appreciate the Original Film even more.These film makers today seem to think they can improve on the Original through Technology advancements and computer generated images. I'm saying the same thing I said about the remake of "Flight of the Phoenix" Sometimes well enough is better left alone...

Rod Taylor was a popular actor in the 60's.His performance in this Film and "The Birds" in 1963 made him one of my favorite actors in the day.The Original TIME MACHINE will be a film seen by future Generations as maybe the way todays generation looks at TV's 60's Star Trek.Dated Technology but still Great Cinema...s.m.
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