Riley Rewind (2013)
Ray and Anna, fantastic job! :D
14 December 2013
i loved Riley Rewind! it was powerful, emotional, had great special effects and the acting (for the most time) was pretty good. never thought midget Ray would make something this amazing!

the special effects: the effects were awesome! i loved how they showed animated sketches, it had a really great touch to the series. and there's the bomb explosion at the start of Act 1, which was awesome as hell! the bummer is that i didn't get to see it again, which made me sad a little. but overall, awesome.

the sets: Riley Rewind's a low budget independent project so at first i was like "i don't know if i'm gonna like the sets". but i was dead wrong, the sets are fantastic! everything looked so real and well done. props to everybody on that!

the script: this thing has a fantastic story: Anna plays a normal girl named Riley Brown who can time travel (or "rewind") to change her past. i thought that was awesome. it was written by Anna and honestly she did a really good job. i liked the dialogue too, it was really well written. and you end up caring about everybody in this movie, all the characters were amazing.

the acting: for the most part, the acting was way better than i thought it was gonna be. there are those moments in the series where everything gets dark and it makes you tear up (like the scene where Angela commits suicide, i leaked a few tears at that part). granted, sometimes the acting can get a little bit too cheesy and weak, but overall everybody did their job really well (especially Anna and Lamar).

Overall: i loved the show! it had me at the edge of my chair the whole time. i laughed and i ever cried it was so good. Ray and Anna, you're the best! keep on the great work, i gotta see more from you :D

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