Riley Rewind (2013)
It's a Web Series, Not a Hollywood Blockbuster
12 December 2013
It hit me in the same Vein as Clerks, Low Budget, But you can feel love went into making it.

I really enjoyed Anna's Monologue Solo Moments, and she could totally carry a TV show she has the kind of Charisma Corkiness as Mindy Kaling from The Mindy Project.

I hope Runaway Machine continues making Riley Rewind and see's a bigger budget come their way to really push this series into a whole other level.

Anna the Time Travelling Superhero. It could be cool if this took a Kick Ass Approach and maybe she trained so it didn't effect her so hard?

Maybe chased by a Time Travelling Government and she Pull's a Nicolas Cage from Next (get's shot, rewinds, dodge's, Punch to face :)

There are so many possibilities don't stop! the passion translates and things will only get easier and better from here!
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