The Yearling (1946)
outstanding performance given by Claude Jarman jr.
9 December 2013
Since I wasn't born until 1949,I never had the opportunity to see this film at a Movie Theater.When it was shown on television I had the same reaction many people had.Tearing up when Jody had to shoot his beloved pet Deer that his Mother had shot and wounded.Knowing how much he had loved this animal and was willing to sacrifice to be able to keep him made me think of how much we get attached to our own pets whether a Dog,Cat,Bird,whatever! Our love and concern for something that doesn't work,doesn't pay rent,sleeps much of the day,sometimes has accidents on the Floor etc. but still gives us indiscribable Devotion and pleasure.

Claude Jarman Jr's performance in this picture can only be rated as outstanding considering this was his very first picture. The emotions he could express on his face through out the movie were riveting and heartwarming.I'm sure many Movie Audiences leaving theaters in 1946 were wiping away tears.I see why he was given a special Academy award for his performance.

If all animal owners showed the love,care,devotion,empathy, that Jody had for his beloved pet deer; we wouldn't need organization like the ASPCA...Great Heartwarming Film that all should see at least once...s.m.
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