Review of OutPost 11

OutPost 11 (2013)
if only i could get my hour back
1 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, picture this... you are an ambitious movie producer seeking a worthwhile project and someone pitches you this... three British army men living in a weird, slightly techie dystopian future version of an endless World War I are stuck in a bunker in the Arctic going slowly crazy. "So what happens?" you would ask."Nothing really, thats the whole movie" the writer replies. "What?!" you shout, "No women?, no outdoor scenes, no flashbacks to civilian life, no character development, no quirkyness, no humor, no sex, no hope, no action or plot to speak of, nothing except that dreary descending misery throughout the whole film?" "Well," he says, squirming a little at your righteous and obviously justified outrage, "they do salute a lot and say 'Long live the King' and look out the window for the Prussians and in the end they play games and eat spiders". Now seriously friends, wouldn't you throw this person and his so called idea right out of your office with all possible speed? Couldn't you write a better screenplay with a cocktail napkin and a dull pencil in say, three minutes time? For some bizarre reason, this film's producer did not do that. Someone actually funded this movie! "What were they thinking?" keeps coming to mind. I dunno, maybe they were dreaming of a kind of Kafka or Poe or Lovecraft analogy, but that is wildly, inappropriately generous. I saw this on Thanksgiving and I was most prayerfully thankful on that day that the fast forward button on my remote was working properly. Actually, it occurs to me that a "making of" documentary of this film would be fascinating, if only to answer the three questions that I have, "Why?. Why? and of course, you know already... Why?" There's just no excuse.
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