Buffalo Rider (1976)
Saved my life
29 November 2013
There is a maximum of1000 words that I can use to describe this film. However 100000000000 words could never do this beautiful piece of classic American cinematography justice. It literally saved my life and restored my faith in humanity. While viewing this masterfully crafted piece of storytelling brilliance, I was in constant awe of the film's life-breathing symbolism, which can only be likened to the passion of romance engulfed in a sea of melancholy emotions. The subtle, yet deep, complexity of this work leads one to ponder, and to reevaluate what it is to subsist in this idealistic bureaucracy we call life. Surely the life, and the legend of the man, nay the spirit embodied by Buffalo Jones can be considered the greatest picture portrayed on the tapestry of the camera lens, sculpted by the dreams of true visionaries. A conceptual medium of storytelling that will forever be noted as a realization of relative truths out of this faction of subjective reality we so arrogantly deem time.
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