If anything, it's the film, rather than the planet, that's off course.
19 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Being a fan of sci-fi films, I was initially attracted by the title, but as it appeared this was going to be yet another near-disaster movie of the "asteroid/comet/meteor about to hit the earth and wipe out humanity, but Hooray! America will save the world" genre which has been done so many times before, I nearly didn't bother to continue watching, and with hindsight I'm sorry I did. However, what did sway me was the unusual premise that the asteroid's gravitational effect as it narrowly missed the earth pulled our planet nearer to the sun. (It wasn't clear whether Earth was continuing to approach the sun or whether it was simply in a stable new orbit, but maybe I was losing concentration if that was stated.) However, while raging fires are sweeping across the globe and two rival groups of characters (the goodies and the baddies) are desperately trying to get to a plane to fly them to the Arctic, the possibility is aired that the gravitational force of the other planets might pull the earth back into its proper orbit, and the sign that this has happened would be that rain would once again start to fall. So when the rival factions get to the airport and learn that the plane - their last hope of survival - has crashed, a battle takes place and surprise, surprise - the goodies win. But just as our heroes seem doomed to burn up anyway, Hey presto! Down comes the rain! Gosh - those planets worked pretty fast to get the earth back in place in such un-cosmic haste! My advice is: don't waste an hour and a half watching this!
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