15 November 2013
What to say, what to say? I've never been particularly interested in these Blood Island pics, but, without anything else to watch today, I decided to give BRIDES OF BLOOD a go. Whoa! What a kooky film! This is one creepy fun diamond-in-the-rough made up of various parts of ISLAND OF DOCTOR MOREAU, whatever fell on the Mario Bava cutting-room floor, and next generation HORROR OF SPIDER ISLAND and THE MANSTER with some ATTACK OF THE FUNGUS PEOPLE and FREAKMAKER thrown in.

Exceeded expectations and made for a fun afternoon viewing. Definitely going out on a limb with 7 stars, but it was really enjoyable if you like a certain kind of schlock. Early on in the proceedings, I found a particular part disturbing in the male/female sex dynamic department, but I let it pass as an example of too many things that I don't have time to dissect to a judgement. In the end, I just found it all a bit hallucinatory. Even close ups of the monster: Just too OTT to be anything but kooky-kreepy like a distant relative of the Viy of VIY ("Open my eyelids!")
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