Gorgeous animation but Lois is dumber than a toe nail in this one!
20 October 2013
The Superman series from the Fleischer Brothers was a well animated but rather unsatisfying series for me. The stories seemed very, very brief and allowed little in the way of character development and most of the plots were just too simple...and "The Arctic Giant" is certainly no exception to this rule. In addition, it might just mark the stupidest version of Lois Lane that I've ever seen!

The story begins with a giant tyrannosaur (about five times normal size) being discovered frozen in the Arctic. The animal is brought to Metropolis and placed on display in a special refrigerated container. However, a worker is a total idiot and ends up breaking the refrigeration system. Within 30 seconds, the ice completely melts--freeing a live dinosaur. Well, Lois being Lois, she doesn't run but stays behind to get the story...and nearly gets herself killed. Of course, Superman arrives and saves her--and within minutes she deliberately puts herself in harms way again! I sure thought the Man of Steel should have just let the dumb lady die, but you know that isn't the way he rolls.

Overall, the story is very simple, rushed and Lois is just too dumb for words...as is the notion of a dinosaur returning to life. Rather silly and inconsequential.
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