good documentary overall
30 September 2013
The real benefit of this documentary is bringing some great works of Leni Riefenstahl back into circulation and thought. For years, as well as with with the makers of this documentary to some extent, the purpose of any interview with Riefenstahl was to trap her into her personal affairs with top-ranking Nazi officials, being Hitler's mistress and so on when in fact she wasn't even a card-carrying member of the Party. She spent much of her life in courts disputing her connections and she won all of the many cases against her. The assertion that she had been in contact with Goebbels after their dispute is both nit-picking and rather low. She remained German to the very end and not, as too many people assume, Nazi. There is a distinction - please! What counts above all else is her extraordinary talent for making great documentaries. They were well presented here with no extraneous opinions and for that, this is a very good film.

Curtis Stotlar
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