If you think this film excuses paedophilia you are sadly mistaken
23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It seems many reviews of this film accuse it of "glorifying paedophilia", featuring "random vaudeville tunes sung by half-naked students" and said students groped by a teacher they "worship".

None of those are true.

Nor is it true that this film is a "sick pervert's fantasy". This is a fine film, in which one of many broad themes (along with self-betterment; human history; morality; the importance of education; the importance of fun and the importance of acceptance) is reactions to a teacher groping students and how the victim's mind-set affects it.

Many discussions by the characters in the film run parallels to this, and in one of the more explicit mentions of it, one student asks another; "Are we victims?", clearly dismissive of the idea.

The film makes no move to excuse it, and it is not, as some suggest, only the 'villains' of the piece who are shocked.

The teacher also hits his one of his students with a book at one point, not truly hurting him, and the student laughs it off. This is also arguably a parallel to said student's molestation.

If you think this film "disgusting" or "sick" or even just "boring", please re-watch it, and try to understand it this time.
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