Okno V Parizh-Window to Paris-An excellent look at French and Russian societies.
3 September 2013
Yuri Mamin's black comedy "Window to Paris" is about the Russian nation which was completely shattered after the end of communism. It is a good example of social commentary mixed with satire which makes good use of its ingenuous scenario to address issues which are common to both French as well as Russian people. This is one reason why it appeals to viewers from these two great nations who share a unique mutual respect based on admiration and feeling of reciprocity. The Russian segment of this film highlights problems faced by ordinary Russians namely housing concerns and discipline in schools as teachers are being fired on flimsy grounds. Although it touches upon thorny issues, Russian part of this film is absolutely funny as it gives light comical touches to matters of serious concern. The Parisian part of this film is also fun to watch but it can be classified as a different kind of fun. It depicts the manner in which foreigners are perceived in Paris. Much of this segment's action is shown through the character of Nicole, a young Parisian woman for whom all Slavic people come from Poland. French actress Agnès Soral plays this role to perfection. "Window to Paris" is an important film which deserves to be shown to all those who seek to emigrate to other countries without giving much thought to the sad plight of their own country. This is exactly what happens to a Russian man for whom love for Russia is so strong that he sacrifices his comfortable existence in Paris in order to be in his beloved Russia.
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