Austin & Ally (2011–2016)
Could be much better
12 August 2013
I had hopes for Austin and Ally; this show was not bad but could have been much better. The show is about a songwriter, Ally Dawson, and a singer, Austin Moon. Ally has stage fright and Austin loves to be on stage but can't write songs. So they team up; seems like the perfect match, right? I have to be honest that this show's writing is not bad. Though the writing could still improve. The show is very cheesy and really irritates me. Sometimes the writing would be like the writing of a show my baby cousin would watch. The show tries to hard to be funny when it is not. Dez, Austin's friend is always doing something random related to nothing in the show and the creators thinks that it is funny. Well it is not and just makes the show more of a bore. Though, some parts are actually funny. One part that was actually funny was when Austin hurt his foot and Dez offered acupuncture to help. The acting could be a little better. When one of them is trying to keep a secret from each other, I just turn off the T.V. The characters make it so obvious that they are hiding a secret. I wonder what is going on in the creators head! Here are the characters: Austin: Austin is the guy who wants to be a famous singer but yet acts like a 10 year old and only hangs out with three friends.

Ally: The smart uptight person all about rules who writes all of Austin's songs. Like in every Disney show, the show needs to have a character like that.

Trish: Austin's manager. The person who keeps getting fired from every job she has and can't keep it for even 2 days. Like what the hell, why would people keep hiring her if they know she is a terrible employee.

Dez: The character who is the dumb idiot who does not know anything, only hangs out with Austin. He is the character who always does random and stupid stuff that the show hopes is funny when it is not. He also films some of Austin's music videos.

Austin and Ally could be a great show but lots of things needs to improve. Sadly it is one of the best shows on Disney channel besides Good Luck Charlie. First of all, in Austin and Ally, they bring nothing new to the table. They are always in Sonic Boom or the mall. Like what the hell, do they wake up every day and go to the mall. Even in Antfarm( Another dumb show) at least they occasionally bring new things like new ants, when they went to that show in Hollywood. In Austin and Ally nothing changes. Maybe if they travel on vacation during winter and get stuck in a blizzard with some random guy in his house. Also the show is very predictable and repetitive. This could actually be an amazing show but many things need to change. Overall, :(
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