A Common Man (2013)
This is a copy of movie "A Wednesday" which is an Hindi movie released in 2008 and 100 time better than this awful combination of production, direction, editing and acting.
30 July 2013
The reason im rating this movie awful is that i have seen the original movie by which is in Hindi and was released in 2008. This is simply a English version of the movie "A Wednesday" which is one of the best movie's i have seen. The only reason i picked this movie to watch was because of Ben kingsley and i am very much disappointed and never expected such poor performance from him. I recommend everyone to watch "A Wednesday" with subtitile you maybe also find that on youtube.

This movie is awful in its every aspect either its the direction, production, editing, and above all the acting. When people copy something i would expect that to be a better version, improved one. This is just an awful movie and waste of time, i again recommend to watch the original movie "A Wednesday http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1280558/?ref_=fn_al_tt_4 ".
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