Ban it
28 July 2013
This documentary should be banned. It gives us the right to kill Muslims as they want to kill us and wipe us out! With Re-population at a rate of 8.1 compared to our 1.8, they will take over within 15 years!!! think about it! Where is the censorship in this country? Apparently this was brought to us by Anonymous. If so, they sure hit the mark on this one. Naturally one would wait until the age of 18 to join military forces. The Muslims pass their newborn a riffle and whisper sweet terror on the west in their ears. This is not acceptable. Ban this quick, or a revolutionary war against the Muslims will sure arise! Perhaps it is propaganda by the U.S. government. Even so, it cannot hide the fact that we are targets. Those Canadians who think the war against U.S. doesn't affect us, get real, it's 600 km away. A nuke will surely get us!!
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