A Common Man (2013)
One of the most awful movies I've ever watched....
13 July 2013
This movie was so terrible that I was so surprised that how could it turn out to be, with an actor like Ben. But then I realized that the whole production team and the cast was just horrible, so there's no surprise that it was an epic failure.

Made me wonder whether they did have a casting session before selecting the cast or at least even read the script twice! Why didn't they go for Sri Lankan actors? Instead, they had to go for people who called themselves actors, only god knows from where they were picked up from.

Major blow to Sri Lanka and as a Sri Lankan, I am quite crossed about making this movie. I hope people will not think bad about Sri Lankan movies, because we produce many good movies which goes and wins foreign movie festival awards. But among them, here this is, smearing mud on our faces.

Absolutely horrible. Cannot give 0. So I'm giving 1 out of 10.
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